Managing Partner at the firm with ten (10) years standing in the practice of Law and his duties are amongst others; general Administration of the firm, Litigation (both private and public interest), Drafting of constitutional, legal and court documents, consultancy services to our esteemed clients (individual, corporate and Human Rights organizations), and research work. He has worked as consultant for United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), as a Programme Assistant at Kenya National Commission on Human Rights -in charge of complaints and redress. Also worked as a Consultant at Oxfam Netherlands (Novib)- Somalia in Capacity Building Somalia CBO’s in Human Rights Investigation, Documentation, Monitoring and Advocacy. Worked at Litigation Fund Against Torture (LFAT), Independent Medico-legal Unit (IMLU) and Labour Awareness and Resource Programme (LARP) as a Research Assistant and interned at Ledisha Kittony and Company Advocates.

Professional qualifications– Advocate of the High Court of Kenya.

Professional Membership-Law Society of Kenya


Labour Law Enforcement in Kenya: An examination of the Adequacy of the Laws Regulatory Rules and Practice. A dissertation written in partial fulfillment for the award of the LL.B degree: (2002) Moi University-Eldoret (unpublished).

Kenyan Labour Laws and Human Rights: Ensuring Worker Rights as a government Policy for Economic Growth. (Forthcoming Article).

Empowering Rural Women for Faster Economic Growth and Wealth Creation (Forthcoming Article)



  1. Civil society fighting for Workers’ Rights, Opinion and Analysis Daily Nation/Thursday, December 4, 2003.
  2. Why State Must Protect Workers Rights, Opinion and Analysis, Daily Nation/Wednesday, March 24 2004.
  3. Government Lay-offs Must Have a Human Face, Opinion and Analysis, Daily Nation/Thursday, July15
  4. Job Contracts fraught with many challenges, Opinion and Analysis, Daily Nation/Friday, June 24,